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Quality Matters: Improving Your Online Workshop (IYOC)


Hello and welcome back! For Spring 2021, Academic Innovation is providing professional development opportunities by offering Quality Matters workshops/Courses. Quality Matters (QM) is a faculty-centered, peer-review process designed to certify the quality of online and blended courses. UTSA became a Full Subscribing member of Quality Matters in October 2019 and began implementation in January 2020. Note that all [...]

Best Practices When Handling Difficult Discussions


In many courses, faculty broach relevant but difficult topics surrounding race, ethnicity, civil rights, and much more with sensitivity and caring----but this may be especially difficult in an online classroom.  In this session, Dr. Shelley Howell will discuss how faculty can create an inclusive classroom environment digitally to allow for conducive conversations for all [...]

Ideas for an Exemplary Course Design: Virtual Labs


Join this workshop to explore how this instructor designed and delivered an exemplary course with an innovative design and a student-centered approach. This workshop is focused on the use of virtual labs and interactive content using interactive tools such as PlayPosit and Softchalk for an enhanced learning experience in large classes (more than 400 students). Click here to [...]

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