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Quality Matters: Peer Reviewer Course (PRC)


Hello and welcome back! For Spring 2021, Academic Innovation is providing professional development opportunities by offering Quality Matters workshops/Courses. Quality Matters (QM) is a faculty-centered, peer-review process designed to certify the quality of online and blended courses. UTSA became a Full Subscribing member of Quality Matters in October 2019 and began implementation in January 2020. Note that all [...]

Connecting the Classroom to Careers


"Why do I have to take this class?" Are you able to answer this question from your students? In this session, campus experts will provide faculty with resources and ideas for helping students connect what they are learning in their courses to their future goals. We’ll review why connecting learning to a career path [...]

Discover Opportunities Utilizing Faculty Insight (Academic Analytics)


Participants will learn to augment the pre-populated data in their Faculty Insight profiles.  There will be a demonstration of how individual faculty members can identify (1) internal and external subject matter experts, (2) funding and honorific award opportunities, and (3) potential collaborators. In addition, a demonstration of UTSA’s external discovery site will also be [...]

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