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Quality Matters: Peer Reviewer Course (PRC)


Hello and welcome back! For Spring 2021, Academic Innovation is providing professional development opportunities by offering Quality Matters workshops/Courses. Quality Matters (QM) is a faculty-centered, peer-review process designed to certify the quality of online and blended courses. UTSA became a Full Subscribing member of Quality Matters in October 2019 and began implementation in January 2020. Note that all [...]

Best Practices for Active Learning Techniques


Active learning promotes engagement with course materials and energizes the classroom, but how do we move students from passive listeners to active learners? In this workshop, you will learn strategies to engage students in activities that promote analysis, evaluation, and synthesis of course content. Click here to view the webinar recording  Register and [...]

Learning the Advanced Features in Panopto


Panopto is the easiest way to record, manage, and share videos, and it is free to UTSA faculty, staff, and students! Learn about the advanced tools Panopto has to offer to measure engagement such as statistics tracking at the student level, in-video quizzes, and how to assign video projects so students can create their [...]

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