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Presented By: Charles Wu, Librarian, Research Engagement & Scholarly Communication, UTSA Libraries & Diane Lopez, Information Specialist, Digital Humanities & User Engagement, UTSA Libraries

Are you required to use LaTeX for writing your research papers? This workshop is divided into two parts: an introduction to Zotero, a citation management tool, and a demonstration of the features of Overleaf, a free online LaTeX editor.


  • Learn how to store and organize the citations you find during your research.
  • Discover how to create and export BibTeX files from Zotero for seamless integration with LaTeX.
  • Hands-on experience: Attendees are encouraged to download and install Zotero before the session. Instructions can be found here https://libguides.utsa.edu/zotero/setup


  • Get to know basic LaTeX syntaxes and commands within Overleaf – a free online LaTeX editor, and discover how to use LaTeX for your research papers
  • Learn how to automatically generate reference lists and corresponding in-text citations by using three BibTex related commands: \cite, \bibliography, and \bibliographystyle
  • Instruction can be found here – https://libguides.utsa.edu/Tex

Whether you are working on a thesis, dissertation, or a long paper, this workshop will equip you with the tools to manage your references seamlessly and enhance your writing process. We look forward to helping you achieve scholarly success with Zotero and Overleaf!

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