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When building upon existing OER or creating your own OER from scratch in Pressbooks, a basic understanding of Creative Commons licenses is integral to the process. An understanding of Creative Commons licenses is also integral to publishing in open access journals. Upon completion of this workshop, attendees will be able to: explain the history of Creative Commons, summarize the role of copyright law in the creation of Creative Commons, differentiate between different CC icons, identify the different layers and elements of CC licenses and tools, and list factors to consider when choosing a license for your project.

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Presented By:

DeeAnn Ivie
DeeAnn IvieOpen Education Coordinator
• Coordinates the Adopt-a-Free-Textbook grant program and facilitates outreach to campus partners in support of the initiative
• Certified in OER Librarianship through the Open Education Network and is also Creative Commons Certified.
• Provides research and teaching support for social sciences faculty and tailors library sessions and tutorials for classes
• Master of Science in Library and Information Science from the University of North Texas
• ORCiD ID is 0000-0002-9918-9530.
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