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Join Community-Engaged Digital Scholarship Hub (CEDISH) and the Digital Humanities Student Association (DHSO) at UTSA for an enlightening workshop on “Responsible Datasets in Context,” sponsored by the Mozilla Foundation. This engaging session, led by Dr. Melanie Walsh, assistant professor in the Information School at the University of Washington, Dr. Anna Preus, who leads the new Humanities Data Lab and serves as core faculty in the Textual Studies program at the University of Washington, and Dr. Amardeep Singh, professor of English at Lehigh University will explore the critical intersection of data science, humanities, and social responsibility. Participants will gain insights into creating contextually rich datasets, developing data essays, and crafting effective visualizations.

The workshop will also feature a Q&A session and a career discussion, offering valuable advice for those interested in responsible data practices. Drawing from the innovative Responsible Datasets project, this workshop emphasizes the importance of understanding the social and historical context of data in all data work and provides models for responsible data curation, documentation, storytelling, and analysis.

Project website: https://www.responsible-datasets-in-context.com

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