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Educators today would be hard-pressed to identify a teaching technique more heartily maligned than the lecture. Critics have called lectures boring, obsolete, old-fashioned, overused, and even unfair. Scholars have declared lectures the losers of the pedagogical cage match with active learning. The criticisms, however, often are leveled at one type of lecture: the full-session, transmission-model lecture. Interactive lecturing is a model for combining lectures and active learning techniques in a way that has been documented to engage students and improve their learning.

Claire Howell Major is Professor of Higher Education at the University of Alabama and is the Director of the University of Alabama Teaching Academy. Major has authored and co-authored several books, including Engaged Teaching: A Handbook for College Faculty, Interactive Lecturing, Student Engagement Techniques, Collaborative Learning Techniques, and Learning Assessment Techniques, Teaching Online: A Guide to Theory, Research, and Practice and Teaching for Learning: 101 Intentionally Designed Educational Techniques to Put Students on the Path to Success. She has made over 100 presentations worldwide and is the co-founder of the K. Patricia Cross Academy (https://kpcrossacademy.org).

Join the College of Sciences and Academic Innovation for the February 2024 Teaching Workshop about Interactive Lectures!

By attending this workshop, participants will be able to:
– Identify and articulate criticisms commonly associated with traditional full-session, transmission-model lectures, recognizing the limitations and challenges associated with this teaching approach.
– Explore the Concept of Interactive Lecturing and reflect on how it integrates traditional lecture elements with active learning techniques.
– Develop practical skills in implementing interactive lecturing techniques within their teaching practices, to design and deliver lectures that incorporate interactive elements, fostering student engagement and improving overall learning outcomes.

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