Gamified courses increase students’ motivation and participation and allow for the capability to reinforce knowledge and skills such as problem-solving, critical thinking, collaboration, persistence, and creativity. In a game-based learning environment, learners are involved in a more challenging, meaningful, empowering, and deep understanding process. Get engaged with us in a playful session about game design in Blackboard Learn.
By attending this course, participants will be able to:
- Learn about game-based learning theories.
- Identify learning theories.
- Analyze different examples of how instructors have gamified their course.
- Discover how to create a narrative structure for your content.
- Balance engagement and complexity.
- Master the Achievement tool and designate criteria for issuing rewards to Students in the form of badges and certificates.
Offered Tuesday, October 29, JPL 4.04.12E, 12:00 – 1:00 pm
Register to attend in person, visit Human Resources Training (Course # CT0890).