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What is metadata and how does it affect digital humanities project work? In this workshop, we will review the basic concept of metadata and how it can influence digital projects, particularly those that include images like exhibits and mapping. Through the lens of preserving cultural heritage, you will learn about some of the more popular types of metadata schema and participate in a hands-on Dublin Core cataloging exercise. We plan to make time to open a discussion after the exercise is completed.

Please feel welcome to bring questions about specific work you have questions about.

Limited to 10 attendees

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Presented By:

Veronica Garcia Rodriguez
Veronica Garcia RodriguezUTSA Libraries Head of Digital Humanities and User Engagement
• Focused on creating public facing digital humanities projects, particularly those that include the local San Antonio community
• Background in libraries, archives and museums
• BA in Art History, Theory and Criticism from the University of Illinois at Chicago
• MSLIS from Pratt Institute in New York City with a concentration in Digital Management for Cultural Heritage
Elliot Williams
Elliot WilliamsUTSA Libraries Metadata Strategist
• Ensures that UTSA Libraries’ collections are discoverable and usable by all
• Coordinates metadata policies and practices across repositories and systems to promote metadata quality, interoperability, and re-use
• BA in Archaeology from Willamette University
• MA in History from the University of Miami
• MS in Information Studies from the University of Texas
• ORCiD ID – 0000-0001-6925-7144.
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