Best Practices for Higher Order Thinking (HOT) Skills


Critical thinking and problem solving are skills that all students need to be effective learners. In this workshop, participants will learn basic teaching strategies that help guide students toward a deeper knowledge of course content and an understanding of how their learning fits into the overall fabric of academia, work and society. Click here to view the [...]

Ideas for an Exemplary Course Design: Gamify STEM


Join this workshop to explore how this instructor designed and delivered an exemplary course with an innovative design and a student-centered approach. This workshop is focused on the use of badges for a gamified environment and interactive tools such as PlayPosit and Adobe Creative for a personalized and authentic learning experience. Click here to view the [...]

Intro to Adobe AfterEffects


 Ready to start your journey into video effects?  AfterEffects allows you to manipulate elements in 3D space.  This introductory session will cover the basics of editing, 3D cameras, and rendering your videos so you can share them online.  Click here to view the webinar recording Register and join

ADTS Shared Experiences Forum: The Value of the Instructor in Online Education


Noon – 12:30 p.m. Panel Presentation 12:30 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. Q&A Virtual via YouTube livestream. Click this link to view: If all your lectures are now on online, why are you needed? Couldn’t someone else simply update your lectures every two years? If a publisher is providing your students with an online [...]

Adobe Virtual Office Hours for Faculty


Want to add Adobe programs to your course but you aren’t sure how? Stop by Adobe Office Hours for a casual conversation on how you can implement Adobe in your classroom. Register and Join

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