Teaching Support Hours


Academic Innovation will be providing office hours to help faculty close out the semester. Register and join

Managing Multiple Sections with Qwickly


Log In and Enroll Join us for this training event to learn more about UTSA's learning management system, Blackboard Ultra, and how to communicate with your students effectively. With Qwickly, you can now post announcements, send email, create content, and more to multiple sections at one time. We'll walk you through the features, [...]

Communicating Across Campus Using Zoom


Zoom is an online software that enables virtual meeting and collaboration. Zoom is now available to all UTSA faculty, staff and students as part of the newly acquired university site license! The UTSA Zoom license will provision your UTSA email account with a Higher ED Pro Zoom account that comes with multiple features. Join [...]

Faculty Assemble! Building Digital Fluency for the 21st Century Classroom


What is digital fluency? In this workshop, learn about what digital fluency is, how you can become more digitally fluent yourself, and how to enrich this skill within your students. We’ll review implementing digital tools into a course and how to apply digital literacy skills to a course. Log In and enroll [...]

Introduction to Panopto Video


Log In and Enroll Panopto is the easiest way to record, manage, and share videos, and it is free to UTSA faculty, staff, and students! Learn how to connect Panopto to your course and create and edit engaging video lectures using the powerful desktop software or the nimble online platform. Join [...]

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