Increasing Student and Faculty Wellbeing With Humor


Join us online and learn how humor can help reduce stress, increase wellbeing, and contribute to effective teaching. Presenters will share their research and experience on the topic, including practical and actionable strategies to safely and effectively integrate humor for learning and teaching in the classroom and online. “Humor and Wellbeing” Dr. Isaac Prilleltensky [...]

Pressbooks Advanced: Simple Book Publishing at UTSA

Pressbooks is an open educational resource authoring platform for simple book publishing. It has several uses in courses: from authoring original OER, remixing existing OER, and even working with students to create a collaborative book as a class project that can be used as a renewable assignment. Upon completion of the Pressbooks Advanced workshop, [...]


LGBTQ+ Oral Histories: Practice and Connection with Communities

UTSA Westside Community Center 1310 Guadalupe Street, San Antonio, United States

The Community-engaged Digital Scholarship Hub (CEDISH), an initiative of the UTSA Libraries and Museums that promotes collaborative teaching and research using digital methods, will sponsor a roundtable discussion featuring library professionals and student scholars who will share their personal and professional experiences in preserving LGBTQ+ voices. The panel will feature a diverse group of [...]

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