Texas Area Planetary Science Meeting

UTSA Downtown Campus | San Pedro I

Save the Date: 2nd Texas Area Planetary Science Meeting (TAPS) - August 15-16, 2024, San Antonio We are excited to announce the 2nd Texas Area Planetary Science Meeting (TAPS) taking place on August 15-16, 2024, at the downtown UT San Antonio (UTSA) campus in San Antonio (UTSA San Pedro I, 506 Dolorosa St, San [...]

Generation AI Summit

John Peace Library | Assembly Room | 4.04.22

 Registration Required before August 30, 2024.   Please join us for the GenerationAI Summit at The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA).  UTSA Research is honored that our campus will host the “2024 GenerationAI Summit" in April 2024 under the ORAU Innovation Partnerships Program.  The GenerationAI Summit was developed by the GenerationAI Consortium, a [...]

Introduction to the LabArchives Electronic Lab Notebook

John Peace Library | Assembly Room | 4.04.22

Presented By: Gloria Yarandi, MS, Enterprise Success Specialist, LabArchives  The LabArchives Electronic?Lab Notebook (ELN) helps researchers manage the results of research efforts, record and document research processes and procedures, and manage digital research data in ways that increase reproducibility, efficiency, collaboration, searchability, and security. LabArchives and their notebook software interface is securely accessible [...]

TXRDC Informational Session – Texas Research Data Center

In-Person & Virtual

Presented By: Mary Campbell, Texas A&M University & Karin Johnson, US Census Bureau We will discuss restricted-access demographic, economic, and business data, what the TXRDC is and how we provide access to restricted data, and how to apply for access restricted federal statistical data. Register for this event View more information [...]

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