Celebrate Teaching Week: Student Panel Discussion on Transformative Teaching

University Room (BB 2.06.04) UTSA Main Campus, San Antonio, TX

Faculty are invited for refreshments at 4:30, followed by a panel of UTSA students discussing what helps them to thrive in the classroom. Co-sponsored by the division of Student Success. Join us February 17–21, 2025 for UTSA's 3rd annual Celebrate Teaching Week! Throughout the week, we'll host multiple events to celebrate and recognize innovative teaching [...]

Communicating Successfully to Lay Audiences

Virtual: Zoom

Regardless of their field, all academics have phrases, jargon, and modes of expression. How we talk among ourselves rarely translates into an easily understood message for the layperson. Indeed, we may not even recognize the specialized forms of communication we use in our ‘tribe’. However, federal and state funding agencies increasingly require a layperson [...]

Celebrate Teaching Week: Teaching Showcase

Denman Room SU 2.01.28, Main Campus

Faculty are invited for refreshments and to browse the poster presentations of fellow faculty who will be sharing their latest teaching innovations and techniques. Co-sponsored by the division of Academic Innovation. Join us February 17–21, 2025 for UTSA's 3rd annual Celebrate Teaching Week! Throughout the week, we'll host multiple events to celebrate and recognize innovative [...]

Teaching and Learning with Generative Artificial Intelligence Informative Sessions

MS 240 and Online

Join our informative sessions on teaching and learning with generative AI, where you can bring your questions and engage in dynamic discussions. Explore a tour of our self-paced online course designed to explore generative AI in education. Discover spotlight strategies to effectively engage students and integrate generative AI into your teaching practices. By attending [...]

ORCID for UTSA Researchers

How can you ensure that your scholarly works online are correctly attributed to you and not to another researcher with a similar name? ORCID can help. It is a free, unique, persistent identifier (PID) for individuals to use as they engage in research, scholarly, and innovation activities across the globe. UTSA researchers are now [...]

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